Friday, December 22, 2006
light up bristol...
I had had a look in on the way back from work and I dont think i've ever seen such a concentration of photographers in one place before. After popping home to pick up my kit I spent a good few hours trying to get something a bit different to the shots id already seen of it on flickr.
I stuck the lens on f8 to get the best from my lens and used exposures ranging from 15 to 30 seconds. The magic of seeing a shot with such vibrant colours is fantastic and really rekindled my love for night photography.
This shot is as we speak one of the most viewed from my flickr account so I thought it was worth a blog posting. The lights in the trees were amazing and were as much of a spectacle as the projections themselves.
I focussed on infinity and tripped the shutter with a remote release to leave the camera untouched. Details as follows:
20 seconds
iso 200
remote release
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Babe Ruth...
We met my new niece on Saturday and here she is. I've been spending a couple of evenings properly getting to grips with rawshooter and its pretty darn useful. I think from here on in its gonna be raw files all the way so I will be mostly investing in bigger cards and some more backup storage.
Speaking of backups I think its time to back everything to somewhere safe...these guys at databarracks could be useful!
Anyroad, this shot was another in my unplanned series of shallow depth of fielders and although some may argue a touch cliche I really like it. I converted it into black and white in rawshooter as I still dont have a de facto method in photoshop. Im finding myself following the Andy Rouse philosophy of minimising time spent at the pc, thats gotta be a winner. The fact that I can do everything in rawshooter except final crops and levels tweaks is premier league.
Speaking of Andy Rouse he has started a blog on his site...its well worth a read...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
traffic lights
The star of the shot is the Acer again, ive no idea what the species is that make up the yellow and green leaves but i loving the colours.
Another shallow depth of field shot, am now wondering what all leaves would look like sharp but hey ho, theres always next autumn...
1/500 sec
iso 200
nikon d70
Monday, December 11, 2006
backlit leaves...
I had a great tutorial fresh in my mind and wanted to get some backlit shots to show both the colours in the leaves as well as their veins.
I shot most of the pictures using very shallow depth of field...this was at f1.8..I think I just spot metered from the leaves and went from there...
The weather is rancid now in Bristol im so glad i got down to westonbirt to get these shots! It proves that no matter what, its always worth getting out and amongst it...
1/750 sec
iso 200
Monday, December 04, 2006
yellow glow
I managed to get to westonbirt before the monsoons started and had a fantastic afternoon in the woods. I think this is an Acer, they were the best value, loads of mad colours.
I seemed to shoot most things at f1.8 to get a bit of sharpness and loads of blurred colour in the background.
details for this one:
iso 200
1/40th second
nikon d70
Friday, December 01, 2006
anyroad...more from Clevedon..
This one has seemed to get quite a bit of attention from my flickr set.
Not too much to say about it other than its another with the grey grad filter which allowed me to hold th esky in the shot whilst still getting the detail in the foreground seaweed.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
seaweed sunset...
It was a tricky one to meter due to the dark foreground and a bit of strong light in the sunset but the histogram helped out loads. Thank god for digital.
I think it could do with a boat or something in the background to add a bit of interest as the sunset wasn't at its most majestic. The movement in the foreground adds the best elements of the shot for me.
1.5 secs
iso 200
0.9 grey grad
Monday, November 06, 2006
last chance saloon...
This was the last shot of the day, mainly because the battery was nearly dead and the card was full....I took three shots and deleted the first two to make space for this...keeping an eye on the histogram to try and get a nice exposure...
I took a spot reading from the sky and dialled that into the camera in manual mode. After checking the focus, I slid a 0.9 grad filter to the a boot full of water then tripped the shutter....checked the histogram then legged it up the beach/ rocks!
shutter - 6 secs
aperture - f22
filter - 0.9 grad
lens at 22mm
I'm well chuffed with it...
Thursday, October 26, 2006
wedding break' off
I think these guys had previous as they were pretty good dancers with some windmills and headstands making an appearance. I got these shots by dialling the shutter down to 1/10th and shifting the flash to rear curtain...
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
light trails at the arc de triumph
This was one of many of my shots that I wouldnt have got without a small pocket triopod which in this case was balanced on a traffic beacon. I set it ti f22 and let it work out the rest....probably using a timer as cable releases keep getting taken off me in airports!
This was taken on Ilford black and white film..back in them old days when you had to take 24 consecutive shots in b&w...well not strickly true but you catch my drift...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
lily macro...
I've just bought Ross Hoddinott's digital macro book which looks pretty good after an initial flick through. In addition to this check out the following for great macro resources and stuff on using flash.
Ross Hoddinott's website
Digital macro book by Ross Hoddinott
Ken Rockwell on Nikon flash
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
mellow yellow
I like the petals off to the right of the shot...a vertical crop would make an interesting abstract..
One thing I did notice was the difference it makes when you get the exposure and white balance spot on by using a grey card. The custom white balance in the d70 worked brilliantly for these and using the histogram you cant fail to get the exposure nailed.
Monday, October 02, 2006
This macro lark is amazing and opens up a whole new world of opportunities. I took 6 or so shots at a variety of f-stops whilst experimenting with different combinations of extension tubes...
Its fantastic that for about 20 quid you can set yourself up with the kit to both take and light some great macro shots...
This is my favourite of the many that I took. I love the depth of field and the purity of the shot...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
new toys...
the first obstacle was realising that i had absolutely no idea what the exposure should be, but thankfully histograms help and that was fairly quickly solved.
the next game was working out how to get any sort of sharpness whatsoever as the depth of field was so small.
it was a bit of a voyage of discovery but has opened up a whole new world of photography..
in case you were wondering the tubes were 12 quid off ebay...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Its fairly simple and straightforward and isthe closest im going to get to a detail shot until i inevitably shell out on a macro lens...
i managed to get this shot just before a freak wave almost rendered all of my kit as useless, as well as drenching the subject!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Barbed silhouette
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I had slowed the shutter speed to 1/15, and took a few frames before we got on the train and headed downtown. By holding dead still and pulling against the strap around your neck you can keep everything else pretty sharp...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
There's divided opinion about taking pictures of other peoples art. I thinks its pretty lazy unless you try and use the graffiti in the composition in an interesting way.
I wanted to get the banksy tag in the shot and this composition gave a different view to the millions of other pics that i've seen of this already.
check out the video of the paris hilton stunt on youtube...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The shallow depth of field effect is excellent and is one that im going to use more often, particularly when shooting portraits..
It was shot in Bristol Cathedral btw...
Monday, August 28, 2006
I dont understand it either
I enjoyed said random action on the way to town on Saturday when I noticed a swimming cap and goggles carefully placed on a wall outside a church on whiteladies road.
I suspect that they were part of some late night drunken antics, but would like to imagine that someone is strolling about in some speedos somewhere in Clifton...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
John Terry
It's amazing how dark it actually is at the games and you can understand why the pro's need such fast lenses to freeze the action.
This photo captures a moment. It was the first time that John Terry has led his team out as captain. He had a good game, scoring early doors and looked impressive throughout.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Clevedon shoreline
This was definitely a chromasia inspired shot. It's shot in a style that i seemed to pick up a while ago where you combine objects in the foreground with more recognisable detail in the background (or vica versa). I like the idea of ignoring the obvious shot and sticking something else in there.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Model bristol
I have recently discovered this fantastic tilt/ shift tutorial which makes the image look like a model of the real scene. This panoramic was shot from Cabot tower in Bristol lateish one Sunday night as amazing light hit the city which presented a perfect shot for the effect.
I decided to enter it under the "Models - architectural and engineering" category and sat back waiting for the cheque to fall on the mat....
Imagine my surprise when the winners were announced. The winning shot was of a statue with tenners stuck on it......ho hum... ; )
Monday, August 14, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Rev mod..
His Vespa was amazing, especially the badge which had been replaced with one that read "Vicar", a lovely touch.
I now want a scooter.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
rope reflections...
I think its one of those shots that if you know Bristol you'll think yeah whatever, but if its all new to you you might find it more interesting...
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Rope climber
I managed to get behind this performers stage and thus had a nice clean background to shoot against as opposed to the crazy mirrored planetarium.
After converting it to black and white (as there wasnt much colour in the shot) I thought id rotate it to add a bit more interest, what the hell eh....
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Liberty from the Ferry
This was as close as I got to a "different" shot of the statue, as the remaining from the trip are all the classics. The light was very midday and I only had a wide angle with me so options were a bit limited.
OK, so she's tiny in the frame but I like the way that she's framed by the open window...
Monday, July 24, 2006
Willow buckle
I've just realised that I never got round to post processing any of these basket images, I just dumped them up here. Its actually quite refreshing to not spend ages correcting/ sharpening/ flattening etc, tasks that we never thought about before the digital revolution!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Willow dragonfly
This is one of her more recent projects, a dragonfly which sits next to the pond at home. They look great as they blend in brilliantly with plants but are still boldenough to make a bit of a feature in the garden.
This shot is going to be used for some promotional material for her courses.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
New York Stock Exchange
I'd have liked a bit less detail in the woman and a bit more dynamism and blur but I think this shot gets that across ok.
Monday, July 17, 2006
The sharpness is amazing straight from the camera. I'd have liked less depth of field but after playing around with the lens filter in photoshop the original looked better.
All of this food photography was inspired by the photography in the Jamie Oliver books. The guy who shot the books (Chris Terry) has got a site, check it out...
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Rain at the Louvre
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Hot dogs
Thinking about it now I dont think i actually bought a dog off the guy which i finding pretty hard to believe as i love those things...
Its a straightforward shot but the colour and composition add interest for me..
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Sauf Riverains
You get home, look it up in a dictionary and find out that it means "except residents".....its definitely seemed more exotic when I didnt know the translation..
Makes me wonder how many French photographers have taken pictures of english "give way" and "adverse camber" signs and have them proudly displayed on the walls of their gites...
I still like this picture...very Parisienne
Monday, July 10, 2006
Blokes Hobbies....
The set up seemed to be bloke with hobby and related kit + bored wife with a magazine. A classic scene across the UK at the weekend.......and also possibly a subject worth of a Martin Parr style project similar to his brilliant bored couples study.......
Friday, July 07, 2006
looking uptown...
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Cammel Laird across the Mersey
Its probably one of my very earliest black and white pictures but is definitely one of my favourites. The shapes and structures in the sand/ mud at low tide were amazing and ever changing. I was lucky with this one that I found an inlet that gave a nice lead in to the ship builders, a nice piece of liverpool history.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
David Blaine street magic
Within seconds he was surrounded, he did a few tricks then seemed to melt away into the crowd leaving his subject looking bemused.
This was the week before he was did his "drowned alive" stunt at the Lincoln centre, i didnt notice3 whether he waspracticing holding his breath or not...
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Rooney puts a cross in...
Rooney was impressive on the pitch. His pace and determination were incredible, he ran all game long. Having seen this game I can understand what happened on Saturday a little better. You could see how frustrated he was getting at not having any clear chances but for him to kick off was surprising as we havent seen a reaction like that from him for a while now..
Again this shot would have been taken wide open at f1.8 with a 50mm lens stuck on the end of a Nikon D70..
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Beckham free kick
Beckhams free kick style is unique, it as always amazed me how he doesnt injure his left foot as he comes right over on it after whipping through the ball.
It was pretty dim under the floodlights so I opened up the lens as far as it would go and hoped for the best.......
Friday, June 30, 2006
Metro at the Pompidou
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Interlocking spurs
I like the movement in the grasses in the foreground and the colours throught the scene.
It was taken on a very basic and fully manual SLR using trusty Velvia, aperture priority on f22...
The view is up to a mountain which I reckon is called "Wandope", its up the back of Buttermere just across from the newlands valley.