Friday, December 22, 2006
light up bristol...
I had had a look in on the way back from work and I dont think i've ever seen such a concentration of photographers in one place before. After popping home to pick up my kit I spent a good few hours trying to get something a bit different to the shots id already seen of it on flickr.
I stuck the lens on f8 to get the best from my lens and used exposures ranging from 15 to 30 seconds. The magic of seeing a shot with such vibrant colours is fantastic and really rekindled my love for night photography.
This shot is as we speak one of the most viewed from my flickr account so I thought it was worth a blog posting. The lights in the trees were amazing and were as much of a spectacle as the projections themselves.
I focussed on infinity and tripped the shutter with a remote release to leave the camera untouched. Details as follows:
20 seconds
iso 200
remote release
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Babe Ruth...
We met my new niece on Saturday and here she is. I've been spending a couple of evenings properly getting to grips with rawshooter and its pretty darn useful. I think from here on in its gonna be raw files all the way so I will be mostly investing in bigger cards and some more backup storage.
Speaking of backups I think its time to back everything to somewhere safe...these guys at databarracks could be useful!
Anyroad, this shot was another in my unplanned series of shallow depth of fielders and although some may argue a touch cliche I really like it. I converted it into black and white in rawshooter as I still dont have a de facto method in photoshop. Im finding myself following the Andy Rouse philosophy of minimising time spent at the pc, thats gotta be a winner. The fact that I can do everything in rawshooter except final crops and levels tweaks is premier league.
Speaking of Andy Rouse he has started a blog on his site...its well worth a read...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
traffic lights
The star of the shot is the Acer again, ive no idea what the species is that make up the yellow and green leaves but i loving the colours.
Another shallow depth of field shot, am now wondering what all leaves would look like sharp but hey ho, theres always next autumn...
1/500 sec
iso 200
nikon d70
Monday, December 11, 2006
backlit leaves...
I had a great tutorial fresh in my mind and wanted to get some backlit shots to show both the colours in the leaves as well as their veins.
I shot most of the pictures using very shallow depth of field...this was at f1.8..I think I just spot metered from the leaves and went from there...
The weather is rancid now in Bristol im so glad i got down to westonbirt to get these shots! It proves that no matter what, its always worth getting out and amongst it...
1/750 sec
iso 200
Monday, December 04, 2006
yellow glow
I managed to get to westonbirt before the monsoons started and had a fantastic afternoon in the woods. I think this is an Acer, they were the best value, loads of mad colours.
I seemed to shoot most things at f1.8 to get a bit of sharpness and loads of blurred colour in the background.
details for this one:
iso 200
1/40th second
nikon d70
Friday, December 01, 2006
anyroad...more from Clevedon..
This one has seemed to get quite a bit of attention from my flickr set.
Not too much to say about it other than its another with the grey grad filter which allowed me to hold th esky in the shot whilst still getting the detail in the foreground seaweed.